The flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow dies;
All that we wish to stay
Tempts and then flies.
What is this world's delight ?
Lightning that mocks the night,
Brief even as bright.
Virtue, how frail it is !
Friendship how rare !
Love, how it sells poor bliss
For proud despair !
But we, though soon they fall,
Survive their joy, and all
Which ours we call.
Whilst skies are blue and bright,
Whilst flowers are gay,
Whilst eyes that change ere night
Make glad the day;
Whilst yet the calm hours creep,
Dream thou - and from thy sleep
Then wake to weep.
Percy Bysshe SHELLEY, Posthumous Poems (1824)
Mon blog propose à la lecture des poésies et des réflexions de différents auteurs, le plus souvent de langue française, et parfois de langue anglaise ou espagnole.
mardi 11 mai 2010
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